報告・飛竜の節 Report: Wyvern Moon
(謁見の間 昼)
Audience Chamber | Daytime
レア: 鷲獅子戦でのあなたの健闘ぶり、見せてもらいました。
Rhea: You fought bravely during the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.
セテス: 大樹の節での学級対抗戦と比較しても、生徒たちに成長が見られる。
Seteth: Comparing against their performance in the mock battle of the Great Tree Moon, the students have grown significantly.
I suppose I should praise your efforts.
レア: 今後も生徒たちをよく教導し、彼らの模範たる教師であってください。
Rhea: Please continue to instruct your students as a model teacher.
レア: 鷲獅子戦での八面六臂の活躍、見事というほかはありません。
Rhea: I can only call your deeds during the Battle of the Eagle and Lion...quite versatile.
セテス: 大樹の節での学級対抗戦と比較しても、生徒たちはよく成長している。
Seteth: Comparing against their performance in the mock battle of the Great Tree Moon, the students have grown significantly.
It is clear that this is a result of your guidance.
レア: あなたの健闘を祝し、また生徒たちの未来に期待して、これを授けます。
Rhea: In appreciation of your efforts, and to show our high hopes for the future of your students, I award you with this.
ソティス: わしの力を使うておるのじゃ。この程度、余裕で勝ってもらわねば困る。
Sothis: So! You've made good use of all my power after all. I would have been upset if you had failed at such an easy task!
セテス: この祝福すべき瞬間に、このような課題を君に伝えるのは心憂いのだが……
Seteth: It pains me to assign such a disturbing mission to you during such a blessed moment in time...
However, next month your assignment will be to journey to Remire Village to investigate an abnormal occurrence there.
ソティス: ルミール村……確かおぬしが父と共に何度も世話になっておった村じゃな。
Sothis: Remire Village... If I recall, you've been there with your father many times.
Byleth: 異変とは? An abnormal occurrence?
セテス: まだ詳細な状況は判明していないが、村人の様子がおかしいらしい。
Seteth: I have yet to ascertain the details, but it would seem the villages have been acting strangely.
I have already dispatched the knights to verify the authenticity of this information.
They should be back shortly. I suggest you begin by finding out what they have discovered.
レア: ……何か、良からぬことの前触れでなければよいのですが。
Rhea: I pray this is not a bad omen...
May the goddess protect you all.